Golden rules for scaling

So, you want to scale your training, huh? The good news first: it’s not too difficult. It boils down to a few simple principles and some basic linear algebra. The bad news? It requires unlearning a few concepts you may have been taught in lectures. For example, consider the following principle:

Initialize the weights so that all activations have unit variance at initialization.

—Deep Learning 101

This turns out to be bad for scaling. Why? Because the network internals can behave quite differently at initialization compared to after a few steps of training. A good way to understand this point is to consider a simple linear layer.

The linear layer

Consider a linear layer with Gaussian initialization and standard deviation sigma:

class Linear:

    def __init__(self, fan_out:int, fan_in:int, sigma:float):
        self.weight = sigma * torch.randn(fan_out, fan_in)

    def forward(self, x):
        return torch.matmul(self.weight, x)

The properties of this layer are most subtle when the layer conducts a large reduction in dimension—i.e. when fan_out is much smaller than fan_in. This might happen in the final layer of a classifier, for example. In fact, let’s study the case where we are scaling up fan_in while holding fan_out fixed.

An important fact about a matrix self.weight with fan_in much larger than fan_out is that the null space is huge, meaning that most of the input space is mapped to zero. The dimension of the null space is at least fan_in - fan_out. At initialization, most of a fixed input x will lie in this nullspace. This means that to get the output of self.forward to have unit variance at initialization, you need to pick a huge initialization scale sigma in order to scale up the component of x that does not lie in the null space. But after a few steps of training, the situation changes. Gradient descent will cause the input x to align with the non-null space of self.weight. This means that the sigma you chose to control the activations at initialization is now far too large in hindsight, and the activations will blow up! This problem only gets worse with increasing fan_in.

The solution to this problem is simple: don’t choose sigma to control variance at initialization! Instead, choose sigma under the assumption that inputs fall in the non-null space. Even if this makes the activations too small at initialization, this is fine as they will quickly “warm up” after a few steps of training. And for a nice bonus, we will show in the section on width scaling that switching from Gaussian init to orthogonal init makes choosing the right sigma trivial.

Three golden rules

The example in the previous section illustrates a style of thinking that extends far beyond linear layers. Let’s distill it into three key tenets, which we call the “golden rules” of scaling:

  • Gradient descent causes inputs to align with the largest spectral components of tensors. So when initializing tensors, carefully set their largest spectral components.

  • The largest spectral components of gradient updates align with tensor inputs. So it is important to normalize gradient updates to control the size of their largest spectral components.

  • All layers will align during training. Keep this in mind when designing the architecture.

It’s worth expanding a little on what we mean by alignment here. When we say that an input x aligns with a weight matrix weight, we mean that if we compute U, S, V = torch.linalg.svd(weight), then the input x will tend to have a larger dot product with the rows of V that correspond to larger diagonal entries of the singular value matrix S. When we say that layers align, we mean that the outputs of one layer will align with the next layer.

What’s the source of this alignment? Consider making a gradient update to a tensor in the middle of a deep net. We call all the preceding layers the “head” of the network, and all the layers after the “tail”:


What’s important is that the gradient update “knows about” both the head of the network (through the layer inputs) and the tail of the network (through the backpropagated gradient). Applying the update will align the head with the tail [1]. And this kind of alignment happens at all layers at every iteration!

The rest of this section will show how to apply the golden rules to do width scaling, depth scaling, and key-query dot product scaling. This should already be enough to get started scaling a GPT.

Fixing width scaling

First, let’s do width scaling in a linear layer. When the network has trained for a few steps to reach its fully aligned state, we want the input and output activations to fall roughly in the interval [-1, 1]. Equivalently, we want the inputs to have Euclidean length math.sqrt(fan_in) and the outputs to have Euclidean length math.sqrt(fan_out). To achieve this, the first and second golden rules tell us that we need to control the top singular values of the initial weight matrix and the gradient updates. One can check that the right scaling is to set the singular values proportional to math.sqrt(fan_out / fan_in). Intuitively, the factor of math.sqrt(fan_out / fan_in) means that the matrix operates as a “dimensional converter”: it takes in vectors of length math.sqrt(fan_in) and spits out vectors of length math.sqrt(fan_out).

In fact we can be a little more clever here and reparameterize the linear layer as follows:

class ReparameterizedLinear:

    def __init__(self, fan_out:int, fan_in:int):
        self.scale = math.sqrt(fan_out / fan_in)
        self.weight = torch.empty(fan_out, fan_in)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.scale * torch.matmul(self.weight, x)

By including the conversion factor self.scale = math.sqrt(fan_out / fan_in) in the forward function, the correct scaling is to make the largest singular values of both self.weight and the weight updates order one. Easy, right? For the initialization, we can just use orthogonal init, which sets all the singular values to exactly one. In our experiments, we have found orthogonal init to be a performant, hyperparameter-free initializer. As for weight updates, we can just spectrally normalize them [2]:

self.weight -= learning_rate * self.weight.grad / spectral_norm(self.weight.grad)

In practice, you may want to replace self.weight.grad with some kind of momentum or Adam expression. And the learning rate can optionally decay through the course of training. Also, you can often replace spectral_norm(self.weight.grad) with frobenius_norm(self.weight.grad) since gradients tend to be low stable rank.

Fixing depth scaling

For depth scaling, we will look at scaling the number of blocks in a residual network [3] of the form:

def resnet(x:torch.Tensor, residue_list:list, block_multiplier:float):

    for residue in residue_list:

        x += block_multiplier * residue(x)

    return x

We call this a residual network because at each iteration of the for loop, a residue is added to the input, which takes the form of a sub-network applied to the output from the previous step of the loop. The block_multiplier can be used to ensure that the residual contribution is small, allowing us to make the residual network very, very deep without its output blowing up. The main questions are:

  • What kind of functions are we allowed to include in the residue_list?

  • What value should we choose for the block_multiplier?

The third golden rule makes answering these questions easy. We should set block_multiplier = 1 / len(residue_list). This is because each residue adds one contribution to the output, and there are len(residue_list) residues in total. The sum of len(residue_list) aligned residues needs to be divided by len(residue_list) in order to not blow up. This is similar to an idea you may have seen in math that \((1+\frac{1}{L})^L < \mathrm{e}\) for any \(L>0\). Even though the product may involve a large number \(L\) of terms, the residue \(1/L\) is small enough to prevent the product blowing up. Linking the analogy back to neural nets, \(L\) plays the role of len(residue_list).

Since the 1/len(residue_list) block multiplier prevents both the initialization and the updates to the residues from blowing up, we are safe to set each residue equal to any neural network of our choosing, so long as that network is individually initialized and updated in accordance with the golden rules [4].

Fixing key-query dot product scaling

An important operation in transformers is taking the dot product between key and query vectors. Conventionally this is done as follows:

lambda key, query :, query) / math.sqrt(key.shape[0])

The factor of 1 / math.sqrt(key.shape[0]) is included to prevent the dot product from blowing up at initialization, where we assume that key and query are uncorrelated random vectors. But by the golden rules, we should expect that the keys and queries become aligned with each other through the course of training. Therefore we should instead normalize the dot product as follows:

lambda key, query :, query) / key.shape[0]

To spell this out more clearly, the dot product is the sum of a number key.shape[0] of aligned quantities, so we should divide by key.shape[0] to prevent the sum blowing up.

Wrapping up

On this page, we introduced three “golden rules” for scaling and pointed out how they differ to some conventional wisdom about controlling activation variance at initialization. Something we hope to get across is that the logic associated with the golden rules is not only more scalable than standard approaches based on controlling variance, but also simpler. You don’t need to know anything about how random variables behave in order to get the scaling right—you just need to know how objects add when they point in the same direction. And in the same vein, the use of orthogonal initialization obviates the need to know anything about the spectral properties of Gaussian random matrices.

In the next section we will look at the history behind these ideas. After that we will move on to explaining how Modula automates the application of the golden rules.